Kill Bed Bugs in Three Simple Steps Without Calling Pest control Professionals!

By Peter N King

Everybody who has suffered from bed bugs knows how difficult it is to get rid of them! It is really frustrating, irritating and very tiring process to fight them. Getting rid of these bloodsuckers with the help of pest control professional can get very expensive too! So people try to get rid of them in many different ways.

If you are temporarily budget constrained, then don't worry. The three options we discuss today will cost you very little or nothing. Without further ado, here they are: Remove or eliminate them physically, Segregation or isolation and Water/Steam/High temperature control

Before we proceed, one note: It is not easy to get rid of bedbugs. You should combine several solutions for faster and long lasting results. The solution details are as follows:

Physical Removal: This solution involves finding the bed bug infestations in your home and removing them using a vacuum cleaner, scrubbing them with vacuum cleaner attachment and removing them using a sticky tape. Bed bugs hide close to their food source: human beings and in some cases pet animals and birds. They avoid light and hide in places where light does not reach easily like inside cracks and holes and deep inside of furniture like bed frame, box spring, headboard, Mattress, dresser, deep inside bed linen and sheets, behind picture frames, mirrors, curtains, loose carpet and wall paper, chairs, couches etc. Inspect all of them meticulously. Inspect the edges of bed frame, mattress and box spring. Remove mattress and box spring from the bed frame and check underneath. Inspect the head board. If you find bed bugs, collect them using a vacuum cleaner. Use a sticky tape to collect them if the insects are hiding in a place where it is not easy to reach with vacuum cleaner or its attachment. Hold and push the tape on the insects and collect them in a plastic bag. Look out for bed bug eggs. They are very small, about the size of a dust particle. Their color is yellowish white. And they are very sticky. You will have to use a hard brush to scrub them off. Collect them in plastic bags. When you feel confident that you have cleaned the entire room thoroughly, remove the vacuum bag and seal it. Seal all other plastic bags where you collected the bed bugs. Promptly dump them in a dumpster. This step is very effective in removing a large portion of bed bug infestation.

Segregation: Let's acknowledge: Getting rid of bed bugs is very hard. So why not protect what you value most? Plastic bags or plastic containers can be very effective in creating a barrier against bed bugs. Use them to Store all your cloths and books. Make sure that the bedbugs can not reach your bed by pulling it away form the walls. Now we want to make sure that the bedbugs can not crawl up the bed from the floor. Tuck bed linens and cover tightly so that they do not touch the floor. Bed frame and the legs of the bed should be protected by using double sided tape on them. Use bed bug interceptors to protect legs of the bed, couch, sofa etc. You can buy bed bug interceptors from the web or use glass or small pots/pans/dish with very smooth surface for the same. This will make it impossible or extremely difficult for bed bugs to climb up your bed.

Water/Heat control to kill bed bugs: High temperature (above 120 F/50 C) can easily kill bed bugs. Identify the items which can be washed safely e.g. cloths, curtains, shoes etc. Wash them thoroughly at high temperature. Items which can not be washed but can be put in a dryer should be identified. Run them through hot dryer for two cycles at high temperature. Some professional dryer achieve very high temperatures, which are good for killing the bedbugs. What about bed bugs hiding inside the cracks and holes? You can use steam to kill them. Buy a steamer from Amazon, Wal-Mart etc and steam them away. This is a very powerful strategy for killing bed bugs.

We wish you a speedy and long lasting elimination of bed bugs! - 30195

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