Bed bugs are tiny little things about the size of a poppy seed that live off the blood of both animals and people. They do not have wings but can get around very easily by crawling and climbing. Their bodies are oval shaped and are very flat making them hard to detect. They can be white or tan or even a dark brown bordering on red or orange. These bugs shed their skin periodically and when you are looking for them you usually find the skin they do not need anymore. It is hard to find an actual live bug because they are so good at hiding.
Bed bugs bite late at night when you are sound asleep so you generally do not feel when they do. When they bite they leave you with a tiny bit of saliva and that gives some people an allergic reaction. Some people get a rash while others will have something that resembles the bite of a mosquito. The bites can get a little itchy but resist itching since that can cause a secondary infection.
Bed bugs are not specific to any area of the world; they are everywhere. Not long ago they were nearly irradiated but today there has been a bed bug population explosion and they are once more a pest world wide. They like to hide in bed frames, or inside a mattress or box springs. Clutter seems to attract the little bugs even more. They can hide in small places because of the flat nature of their bodies. They do most of their feeding during the night but will venture out in the day if they need to. Once you get a colony it is very hard to get rid of them.
The normal method of getting bed bugs is the stowaway method. They can hide in pillows you may take elsewhere or in luggage that has been in a motel infested with them. They can hide in used furniture and mattresses you may buy second hand. If you live in an apartment your neighbor may have them and they will saunter over to your place as well.
A good indication that you need to inspect for bugs is if you see raised bites on your body. Make sure to inspect even the smallest fold in the bedding because they will hide in the smallest places. If you find an opening in the mattress you will have to go in and make sure they are not making themselves comfortable inside the mattress. They can look like a small spot so you need to search hard to find them. They can hide in the curtains and if there is one little flap of loose wall paper they can get underneath it and breed to their hearts content. Look in dresser drawers and inside clothing. Some people say that big infestations can give off the smell of coriander.
Do not assume you have an infestation even if you see bugs that are not moving. You need to find one that is crawling and when you do the best thing is to call an exterminator who knows what they are doing. It is possible to use substances yourself to kill them but it is much safer when done using a professional.
Many people think you have to get rid of the furniture if you have them but this is not always true. You need scrub the mattress and bed frame with a stiff brush and then vacuum up whatever you have scrubbed up. Usually eggs will come loose and you can whisk them away. It is even necessary to take the bed apart to get to all the bugs and remove all dresser drawers as well.
Never apply pesticides to a mattress or it can cause health problems for people living with the mattress or pets that may get near it as well. Make sure to read all directions for any pesticides you may use and follow them to the letter. Bedding should be steamed, dry cleaned, or put in very hot water to wash as heat will get rid of the bugs. Professionals can use a host of different treatments to get rid of the bugs for you and they have a license to do it and can do it in the most safe manner. - 30195
Bed bugs bite late at night when you are sound asleep so you generally do not feel when they do. When they bite they leave you with a tiny bit of saliva and that gives some people an allergic reaction. Some people get a rash while others will have something that resembles the bite of a mosquito. The bites can get a little itchy but resist itching since that can cause a secondary infection.
Bed bugs are not specific to any area of the world; they are everywhere. Not long ago they were nearly irradiated but today there has been a bed bug population explosion and they are once more a pest world wide. They like to hide in bed frames, or inside a mattress or box springs. Clutter seems to attract the little bugs even more. They can hide in small places because of the flat nature of their bodies. They do most of their feeding during the night but will venture out in the day if they need to. Once you get a colony it is very hard to get rid of them.
The normal method of getting bed bugs is the stowaway method. They can hide in pillows you may take elsewhere or in luggage that has been in a motel infested with them. They can hide in used furniture and mattresses you may buy second hand. If you live in an apartment your neighbor may have them and they will saunter over to your place as well.
A good indication that you need to inspect for bugs is if you see raised bites on your body. Make sure to inspect even the smallest fold in the bedding because they will hide in the smallest places. If you find an opening in the mattress you will have to go in and make sure they are not making themselves comfortable inside the mattress. They can look like a small spot so you need to search hard to find them. They can hide in the curtains and if there is one little flap of loose wall paper they can get underneath it and breed to their hearts content. Look in dresser drawers and inside clothing. Some people say that big infestations can give off the smell of coriander.
Do not assume you have an infestation even if you see bugs that are not moving. You need to find one that is crawling and when you do the best thing is to call an exterminator who knows what they are doing. It is possible to use substances yourself to kill them but it is much safer when done using a professional.
Many people think you have to get rid of the furniture if you have them but this is not always true. You need scrub the mattress and bed frame with a stiff brush and then vacuum up whatever you have scrubbed up. Usually eggs will come loose and you can whisk them away. It is even necessary to take the bed apart to get to all the bugs and remove all dresser drawers as well.
Never apply pesticides to a mattress or it can cause health problems for people living with the mattress or pets that may get near it as well. Make sure to read all directions for any pesticides you may use and follow them to the letter. Bedding should be steamed, dry cleaned, or put in very hot water to wash as heat will get rid of the bugs. Professionals can use a host of different treatments to get rid of the bugs for you and they have a license to do it and can do it in the most safe manner. - 30195
About the Author:
Bed Bugs are small parasites that feed on blood of humans or animals. They have an oval shape and are flat which makes them difficult to find. Tips on getting rid of bed bugs and how to treat bed bugs .